Application – Additional Student (Sibling) If you are human, leave this field blank.Vine Academy - Sibling ApplicationPlease complete this form for all additional children/students applying to attend Vine AcademyDate *Name of Student *Student's Birth Date *Grade level he or she will be entering next fall: *About your StudentDoes your child want to attend Vine? How do they feel about entering into a classroom environment?Please write a brief appraisal of your student’s character qualities, and maturity level (both strengths and weaknesses).How does your child handle conflict at home? Has your child been corrected for behavioral difficulties by another school or program?Describe your student’s study habbits; are they self-motivated, easily distracted, or other? Please describe:Has your student had academic testing?YesNoIs this student at grade level in all core subjectsYesNoIf no, please explainDoes your student read at grade level?YesNoIf no, please explain:Does your student have any physical, emotional, behavioral or special needs? If yes, please explain:Is your student taking any medications? If yes, please explain:Does your student attend church regularly and if so, what church, if not, please explain:Describe ministries in which your student is currently involved if any:I hereby request enrollment of my child/ren listed above as (a) student(s) in Vine Academy. I agree to pay all fees and fulfill all requirements of enrollment.By checking this box, you certify that the information you provided on this application is truthful, complete and accurate:I agreeSignature *Type in your first and last name (Digital signature)Please type your full name and hit submit at the bottom of this page. I understand that this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of Acceptance. * *FROM YOUR STUDENT:Please have the student applying to Vine complete the next portion of this application.Would you like to attend Vine Academy? Why or Why not? *Tell us about yourself: What are your strengths? What are you interested in? What are you involved in? *Do you have a relationship with God? Please explain: *How do you think Vine might be able to help you develop (educationally, socially, spiritually)? *Date *Submit FOR A HARD COPY CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW: Please print, complete and return this application for additional students applying for Vine Academy: ADDITIONAL STUDENT/SIBLING APPLICATION