english 2 class description info

English/Language Arts 2

The goal of this class is to incrementally build skills in writing, vocabulary, grammar, and literature.
Writing goals include writing summaries and outlines, identifying and creating topic sentences and thesis statements, paraphrasing and organizing. There will be a research paper assigned in the spring.
Books students will read this year include: The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis, The Chosen by Chaim Potek, and The Merchant of Venice  by William Shakespeare.  These will be interspersed with short stories and poems.. Vocabulary will come from vocabulary from Classical Roots Book A and grammar from Abeka’s Grammar and Composition.

Binder 1.5”; ruler
Roget’s International Thesaurus – (Not pocket-sized or condensed)
Abeka Grammar and Composition I (5 th edition)
Writing with Skill: Student Workbook Level 1 by Susan Wise Bauer
The Silver Chair (part of the Chronicles of Narnia) by C. S. Lewis
( A list of additional literature books will given in class.)