Class Registration – 2024/2025 If you are human, leave this field blank.Parent's Name *Parent's Most Frequently used Email *Parent's Contact PhoneStudent's Name *Grade entering *Student's EmailStudent's Contact PhoneEnglishEnglish 1 - Mrs. Esposito (grammar and language arts - 5th-6th)English 2 - Mrs. Fong (grammar and language arts)English 3 - Mrs. Bingham (9/10 language arts)English 4 - Mrs. John (11/12 language arts) MathBob Jones 6 - Mrs. KnappBob Jones 7 - Mrs. KnappBob Jones Pre Algebra - Mr. OrtegaBob Jones Algebra 1 - Mrs. MontoyaBob Jones Geometry - TBDAlgebra 2 - TBDFinance Math 9-12 - Mr. MontoyaHistory7/8 Early America and Explorers - Mrs. Korjenek5/6 Westward Expansion - Mrs. Montoya9/10 World History - Mr. Montoya11/12 Government and Economics - Mr. FriskeScience5/6 Intro to Chemistry and Physics - Mr. Ortega7/8 Health and Intro to Anatomy - Mrs. Korjenek9/10 Physical Science with Lab - Mrs. Oliver11/12 Applied Physics and Chemistry with Lab - Mrs. OliverBibleMiddle School - 5th - 8th - Mrs. KastleH. S. Bible- 9th-12th - Ron RaynoldsElectives11/12 Speach and Argumentation - Mrs. RauserLittle Vine Theater and Movement 1st - 4th grade - Mrs. ShippLittle Vine Cooperative Interactive Learning 1st - 4th grade - Mrs. PiccardoTheater - Mrs. ShippCreative Art - Mrs. Fong (Monday)Guitar 2 - Mr. Ortega5/8 Intro to Spanish - Mrs. Anguiano8/12 American Sign Language 1 - Mrs. John8/12 Fine Art - Mrs. SantiagoOther (list preference in box below)Study Hall - MondayPlease check period(s) needed.1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7thStudy Hall - WednesdayPlease check period(s) needed.1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7thStudy Hall - ThursdayPlease check period(s) needed.1st2nd3rd4thPlease let us know if there is a class you will sign up for if Vine makes available:Mandatory Service Hours *Family involvement is necessary for the success of Vine. Please check that you understand a minimum of 25 hours of service per family with one student(40 hours for families with two and 50 hours for families with three or more students) are required to be fulfilled before the last day of classes. Service hours must be served by a Vine parent or responsible adult in service to the Vine community and not just benefit your student(s). You may opt-out in advance or at any time before the end of the year by paying $20 per hour. Unfulfilled hours will be billed on the 4th quarter invoice if a minimum of 15 hours has not been served. Ways to serve are posted on the binder marked "Service Hours Log" inside "George". THEATER STUDENTS: Families are required to serve extra hours for the theater class; this is separate and in addition to the hours required by Vine.I understand the number of service hours required by our family per the terms listed above.Dress Code *Please read and sign agreement here.I have read and signed the agreement.Student Parent Agreement *Please read and sign agreement here.I have read and signed the agreement.Student Honor Code *Please read and sign agreement here.I have read and signed the agreement.Statement of Faith *Please read and sign agreement here.I have read and signed the agreement.Photo Release Form *Please read and sign agreement here.I have read and signed the agreement.Submit