Health/ Intro to Anatomy Course Description and Materials List

Mrs. Grimes
408.427.4538 (please call or text before 8pm)
7th/8th General Science
Mondays and Wednesdays
Welcome to 7th/8th grade General Science. This is going to be an exciting year! My name is Jen
Grimes and I have the privilege of teaching your child this year. I am a mother of four (ages
15,13,11 and 9). This is my fifth year teaching science at Vine Academy .I have a Bachelor’s
Degree in education and have had experience in the public school systems in Florida and North
Carolina. I left the classroom fifteen years ago to raise my family. This year we will be
discussing many diverse topics in my classroom such as the scientific method, geology,
classification, the human body and dissection. Please know I am a mother first and that I will be
discussing science from a Christian worldview. If there are any concerns please contact me so we
can address any issues you may have. I look forward to working with you and your child this
Materials Needed
• 1 1/2 inch 3-ring notebook
• 5 dividers
• Student textbook: Exploring Creation with General Science 2nd edition
ISBN-13: 978-1932012866 / ISBN-10: 1932012869
(Student textbook only. You do not need the workbook)


Students are expected to be on time to class. During this class students will be expected to bring with them a notebook (exclusively for this class), a folder, and their textbook daily. Projects and labs will be done at least once a quarter for a grade. Students are expected to be prepared for class and arrive on time. All students are also expected to participate in the science fair held in April. Grading Components Material for this course will be weighted in calculating the final grade for the class. The amounts are as follows:
25% Projects
25% Homework
25% Quizzes/Tests
25% In class labs
Course Requirements
Students will have homework and required reading assignments. Tests/Quizzes will be given often during each unit and will always be announced. Homework
There will be weekly homework assigned. Homework assignment will be sent home on
Mondays and asked to be returned the following Monday. Please turn homework on time. Late homework will result in 10 point deducted for every day late. The assignments will range from worksheets, research projects, experiments and assignments out of the book. Test/Quizzes We will have quizzes often during each unit that we cover. These quizzes will be announced to give students time to prepare. Lab Work The topics that we are going to cover will be supplemented with guided lab work. Labs will be integral to working with and comprehending the topics from the textbook.