english 2 class description info

English/Language Arts 2

The goal of this class is to incrementally build skills in writing, vocabulary, grammar, and literature.
Writing goals include writing summaries and outlines, identifying and creating topic sentences and thesis statements, paraphrasing and organizing. There will be a research paper assigned in the spring.
Please order early, if ordering from Christian Book.  Also, please do not give the answer keys to the students!

Grammar and Composition II – can order from christianbook.com or Amazon.

Amazon is $50:
Christian Book is $34 plus shipping:
Vocabulary from Classical Roots B
No Fear Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare.  Can purchase at many places, look for the 2004 publishing date, paperback (Amazon is  much more expensive  and 10 years older!)  I ordered from Abe Books – https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=31917265097&dest=usa&ref_=ps_ggl_18382194370&cm_mmc=ggl-_-US_Shopp_Trade0to10-_-product_id=COM9781411401006NEW-_-keyword=&gclid=Cj0KCQjws560BhCuARIsAHMqE0GdbotfoRDdWIuL7zcubj4Y883PmLc5DRgp6r3ogsN_Exd4cfTX3WYaAnDgEALw_wcB
Of course, students will need pencils, lined paper, and a binder 1.5 or 2″ (dedicated to English only!).  Also, purchase a pack of 3X5 cards (can be white or colored, lined or unlined).